Waddle User Guide 🦆

Waddle is a simple, no-frills travel planning application aligned with your travel itinerary planning needs. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a beginner at planning your own itinerary, Waddle provides you with a structured, focused and intuitive way to plan your trips.

With Waddle, you can plan your travel itinerary in 3 simple steps:

  1. Create a trip itinerary
  2. Add activities to your itinerary wishlist
  3. Make a schedule for your trip

It’s that simple.

If you wish to learn more about Waddle and its features, then this comprehensive user guide is for you! For tips on how to navigate our user guide, check out our User Guide Tips section. For instructions on how to set up Waddle, visit our Quick start section. For basic information on how to make the best of Waddle, check out our Tutorial for beginners.

Table of Contents

  1. User Guide Tips
  2. Quick start
  3. Tutorial for beginners
  4. Features
    1. Universal commands
      1. help Viewing help
      2. exit Exiting Waddle
    2. The home page
    3. Commands on the home page
      1. add Creating a new itinerary
      2. list Listing all itineraries
      3. find Locating itineraries by description
      4. edit Editing the details of an itinerary
      5. delete Deleting an itinerary
      6. clear Clearing itineraries
      7. select Selecting an itinerary
    4. The activity planning page
    5. Commands on the activity planning page
      1. add Adding an activity
      2. edit Editing the details of an activity
      3. delete Deleting an activity
      4. free Viewing vacant timeslots
      5. plan Scheduling an activity
      6. unplan Unscheduling an activity
      7. copy Copying to clipboard
      8. pdf Exporting as PDF file
      9. home Returning to home page
    6. Advanced
      1. Saving the data
      2. Editing the data file
  5. FAQ
  6. Command summary
    1. Home page commands
    2. Activity-planning page commands
  7. Glossary

User Guide Tips

Finding what you need

  1. Quick start will help you set up Waddle
  2. Tutorial for Beginners walks you through our graphical interface and also guides you on planning your very first itinerary on Waddle
  3. Features helps you understand how our features can be used in your planning
  4. FAQ answers some of the most common questions we have gotten from our users. If you have questions for us, this section might just be the one you need!
  5. Command Summary provides a summarised list of our features’ commands for your easy reference
  6. Glossary explains some of the terms we used. If you do not understand a term in this guide, this section might be of help!
  7. You can use the buttons at the bottom right of each page to return to the Table of Contents

Understanding the symbols and syntax

Symbol/Syntax Meaning
command When a word or phrase is highlighted with this markup, it simply means that it is related to a command or keyword
:exclamation: The exclamation indicates a warning and contains information that is important
:bulb: When you see this, you can expect some tips from us!
:information_source: Wee will use this icon to provide you with information you should take note of

Quick Start

To begin planning your travels with Waddle, simply set it up as follows:

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. If you do not, you may install it here.

  2. Download the latest waddle.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Waddle.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. This will bring you to the Waddle home page. A graphical user interface (GUI) similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.
    Home Page

And you’re ready to waddle! To execute any command, type it command in the command box and press Enter. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window. For more information on how to begin waddling, carry on to the Tutorial for beginners.

Alternatively, you may wish to dive straight to the full list of commands and their details provided in the Features section below.

Tutorial for Beginners

If you are a beginner to Waddle, this tutorial will walk you through creating and planning your very first Waddle itinerary.

This is the home page, which you will encounter when you open Waddle. It displays all your current itineraries. The various sections of the interface have been labeled in blue for your reference. If this is your first time launching Waddle, you will see the following page with two sample itineraries:


If you wish to, you can clear the sample itineraries by typing clear into the command box and pressing Enter. You will then see the below message:


Now you can add your first itinerary. To do so, use the add command with the relevant itinerary details. Try executing the command add d/Summer Trip sd/2023-06-01 du/5. It will add an itinerary named Summer Trip, starting from 1 June 2023 with a duration of 5 days. You should now see the message below and your itinerary added on the home page as follows:


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can replace the add command inputs with the relevant details of your itinerary.
  • You can include optional details such as the country, number of people, and budget.
    • e.g. Enter add d/Summer Trip c/Japan sd/2023-06-01 du/5 p/4 b/2000 instead to specify the country as Japan, number of people as 4, and your budget as $2000.
  • For additional information, refer to the add command in the Features section under home page commands.

Select the itinerary which you have just created by typing in select along with the index of the itinerary on the list, then press Enter. For example, if “Summer Trip” is shown as the first itinerary on the list, enter select 1. You will now see the planning page for the itinerary as follows:


You can return to the main page anytime you wish by executing home.

:information_source: Note about commands:

  • Note that the commands for the main page are different from those for an itinerary planning page. Some commands only apply to one type of page while some are universally applicable (i.e. they can be executed on any page).
  • To find out more about which commands apply to your current page, visit the user guide’s Features section.

To add an activity to your Wishlist, use the add command. Try adding a new activity by typing in add d/Visit Meiji Shrine du/120 to the command box and press Enter. This will add a new activity with the description of “Visit Meiji Shrine” and a duration of 120 minutes. You should now see the activity being displayed in the Wishlist.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can replace the add command inputs with the relevant details of your activities.
  • You can include optional details such as the priority and cost.
    • e.g. Enter add d/Visit Meiji Shrine du/120 p/5 c/20 instead to specify the priority as 5 and the cost as $20.
  • For additional information, refer to the add command explanation in the Features section under itinerary planning page commands.

Try adding a few more activities! You should see the activities listed in the Wishlist.

To schedule an item from your Wishlist on a specific day in your itinerary, use the plan command. For example, type plan 1 d/1 st/10:00 into the command box and Enter. Waddle will schedule the first item on your Wishlist for Day 1 of your itinerary starting at 10am. You should see the item being moved from the Wishlist section to the Day 1 item list, as follows:


:information_source: Notes:

  • For additional information, refer to the plan command explanation in the Features section under itinerary planning page commands.

Note that the index of the activity is now shown as 1.1, meaning it is the first activity on Day 1.

Now you can try scheduling all the activities in your Wishlist!

Once you are satisfied with your schedule, you can export your schedule as a PDF document using the pdf command. Type pdf into the command box and Enter. You should now see the below:


Navigate to your computer’s Documents folder, where you should see a folder named Waddle. Open up the folder to see a PDF document with the same name as your exported itinerary. You can open the PDF document to view your itinerary schedule.

You can easily send your itinerary details to others using the copy command. Type copy into the command box and Enter. This will copy your itinerary to your clipboard, and you can now paste it in another location such as a messaging or email application. You should also see the below displayed in Waddle:


Congratulations! You have now created and planned your very first travel itinerary using Waddle. We hope this tutorial has helped you kickstart your journey! You can expand your Waddle knowledge further by reading the other sections of this User Guide, starting with the Features that are available to you.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    • e.g. in add d/DESCRIPTION ..., DESCRIPTION is a parameter which can be used as add d/My Japan Trip.
  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    • e.g. d/DESCRIPTION [c/COUNTRY] sd/START_DATE du/DURATION can be used as d/My Japan Trip c/Japan sd/2023-04-01 du/14 or as d/My Japan Trip sd/2023-04-01 du/14.
  • Parameters can be in any order.
    • e.g. if the command specifies c/COUNTRY d/DESCRIPTION, d/DESCRIPTION c/COUNTRY is also acceptable.
  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    • e.g. if you specify d/Eat Ramen d/Aquarium, only d/Aquarium will be taken.
  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    • e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

Universal commands

Most commands in Waddle can only be used on the main page or the activity planning page. However, the commands in this section may be used on either page at any time.

Viewing help : help

Brings up the help message, which contains a link to this guide.

help message

Format: help

Exiting Waddle : exit

Exits the Waddle program.

Format: exit

The home page

The home page, or home page, of Waddle displays the list of itineraries you have created and stored in the app.

Home Page Commands exclusive to the home page can help you:

Using the select command will bring you to the planning page of the selected itinerary.

Commands on the home page

Creating a new itinerary : add

Adds an itinerary to Waddle.


  • Adds a new itinerary named DESCRIPTION to the itinerary list. It cannot be blank and must only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces and these following special characters: ()&!':.,-.
  • START_DATE is the date of the first day in the itinerary. It must be given in the format yyyy-mm-dd and is a valid future date.
  • DURATION will determine the number of days in the itinerary, and must be between 1 and 365 days.
    • e.g. sd/2022-12-10 du/3 would mean that the trip is from 10 Dec 2022 to 12 Dec 2022.
  • BUDGET is the budget for the itinerary in dollars, or dollars and cents, and must be between 0 and 1,000,000.
    • e.g. b/1000 is $1,000.
    • e.g. b/1000.50 is $1,000.50.

:information_source: Notes:

  • You cannot add an itinerary with the same description as an existing itinerary.
  • Waddle only accepts english letters and spaces for COUNTRY, special characters like ', &, ! are not allowed.
    • Example of invalid input: c/CĂ´te d'Ivoire, c/中国
  • The budget input should only contain numbers and one decimal point.
    • Example of invalid input: b/1,000,000
  • If more than 2 decimal places are provided for the budget, Waddle rounds it up to 2 decimal places.
    • e.g. b/1000.505 will be reflected as $1,000.51.


  • add d/Summer Trip c/Singapore sd/2025-10-28 du/15 p/4 b/1000

Add Command

Listing all itineraries : list

Shows a list of all itineraries in Waddle.

Format: list

List Command

Locating itineraries by description : find

Finds itineraries with names containing any of the given keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. india will match India
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Trip Japan My will match My Japan Trip
  • The search is based on itinerary descriptions only.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Jap will not match Japan
  • Itineraries matching at least one of the provided keywords will be returned (i.e. OR search).
    • e.g. find Japan Trip will return My Germany Trip, since there is a match for the keyword Trip.
  • Use the list command to see all itineraries again.


  • find India returns My India Trip and India Expedition
  • find India Trip returns My Japan Trip, My India Trip, India Expedition
  • find trip returns the following result:

    result for 'find trip'

Editing the details of an itinerary : edit

Edits an existing itinerary in Waddle.


  • Edits the itinerary at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed itinerary list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

:information_source: Notes:

  • If you are editing the budget, please ensure that it is sufficient to cover the cost of all the planned activities. An error would be shown otherwise.
  • If you reduce the duration of an itinerary, days will be removed from the back, and any activities that were scheduled on a removed day would be returned to the wishlist.


  • edit 1 du/15 sd/2023-11-03 Edits the duration and start date of the first itinerary to be 15 and 2023-11-03 respectively.
  • edit 2 c/India Edits the country of the second itinerary to be India.

Running edit 1 du/15 sd/2023-11-03

Edit Command

Deleting an itinerary : delete

Deletes the specified itinerary from Waddle.

Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the itinerary at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed list of itineraries.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd itinerary in Waddle.
  • find Japan followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st itinerary in the results of the find command.

Running delete 2

Delete Command

Clearing itineraries : clear

Deletes all itineraries in Waddle.

Format: clear

Clear command

Selecting an itinerary : select

Enters the activity planning page for the selected itinerary.

Format: select INDEX

  • Selects the itinerary at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed list of itineraries.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • select 1

The activity-planning page

Once you have created your itinerary, you can now start adding and planning the activities that you want to complete in your time there! The activity-planning page of an itinerary displays the list of activities that you have added to your itinerary. Activities on the wishlist that you have not given a start time and date yet will appear at the very top, in order of priority (as indicated by the number of stars). Activities that you have scheduled will instead appear in the list of days below the wishlist, sorted by start time.

The index of scheduled activities are in the format DAY.ACTIVITY_NUMBER. Some examples:

  • The first activity of the first day will have index 1.1
  • The fifth activity of the third day will have index 3.5
  • The second activity of the wishlist will have index 2

Here’s an example of how your activity-planning page might look like: activity-planning page

Commands exclusive to the activity-planning page can help you:

Using the home command will bring you to the home page of the selected itinerary.

Commands on the activity-planning page

Adding an activity : add

Adds an activity to your wishlist (without a scheduled day and time).


  • DESCRIPTION cannot be blank and must only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces and these following special characters: ()&!':.,-.
  • DURATION is the time taken for the activity in minutes. The duration must be more than 0 minutes and shorter than 1440 minutes (1 day).
    • e.g. du/100 is 100 minutes (or 1 hour and 40 minutes).
  • PRIORITY is used to rank the importance of an activity. It must be a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority.

  • COST is the cost of the activity in dollars, or dollars and cents, and must be between 0 and 1,000,000.
    • e.g. c/100.20 is $100.20.
  • You cannot add activities with the same description as an existing activity in the activity list.

:information_source: Note:

  • If no PRIORITY or COST is provided, Waddle assigns them a default value as follows:
    • The default PRIORITY is 1.
    • The default COST is $0.
  • The cost input should only contain numbers and one decimal point.
    • Examples of invalid input: c/1,000,000
  • If more than 2 decimal places are provided for the cost, Waddle rounds it up to 2 decimal places.
    • e.g. b/1000.505 will be reflected as $1,000.51.


  • add d/Go to the Louvre p/2 du/1
  • add d/Skiing du/14 c/100

Running add d/Go to the Louvre p/2 du/1

Add Activity

Editing the details of an activity : edit

Edits an existing activity in your activity list.


  • Edits the activity at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number displayed in either the wishlist, or the scheduled activity in the list of days.
  • The index of a scheduled activity refers to the index number displayed in the list of days, the format being DAY_NUMBER.ACTIVITY_INDEX.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

:information_source: Note:

  • If you are editing the cost, please ensure that the new cost stays within the budget of the itinerary. An error would be shown otherwise.


  • edit 1 d/Go skiing would edit the description of the 1st activity in the unscheduled activity list to be Go skiing.
  • edit 2.2 p/3 c/100 would edit the priority and cost of the 2nd activity in the Day 2 list to be 3 and 100 respectively.

Running edit 1 d/Go skiing

Edit Activity

Deleting an activity : delete

Deletes an existing activity in your activity list.

Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the activity at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number displayed in either the unscheduled activity list, or the scheduled activity in the list of days.


  • delete 1 would delete the 1st activity in the unscheduled activity list.
  • delete 2.1 would delete the 1st activity in the Day 2 activity list.

Running delete 1

Delete Activity

Viewing vacant timeslots : free

Displays the vacant timeslots available for you to schedule activities.

Format: free

Scheduling an activity : plan

Schedules an activity from your wishlist.


  • Schedules the activity at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number displayed in the wishlist.
  • When an activity is scheduled, the cost of the activity is automatically deducted from the budget of the itinerary.
  • DAY_NUMBER must be an integer from 1 to the duration (in days) of the trip.
  • START_TIME should be given in the format hh:mm, or hh:mm:ss where hh is the hour in 24-hour format, mm is the minute, and ss is the seconds.
  • The end time of the activity is automatically calculated by adding the DURATION of the activity to the START_TIME.
  • You can only add an activity if there is no clash in timing between the start and end time of the new activity, and the start and end time of any existing scheduled activity.

:information_source: Note:

  • When scheduling an activity, please ensure that the activity stays within the budget of the itinerary. An error would be shown otherwise.


  • plan 2 d/3 st/12:00 would add the 2nd activity in the wishlist to Day 3, starting at 12pm.
  • plan 1 d/1 st/14:50:10 would add the 1st activity in the wishlist to Day 1, starting at 14:50pm, 10 seconds in.

Running plan 1 d/1 st/11:00

Plan Activity

Unscheduling an activity : unplan

Takes an activity from the list of days and puts it back into the wishlist.

Format: unplan INDEX

  • Unschedules the activity at the specified INDEX as displayed on the day lists.
  • When an activity is unscheduled, its cost is automatically added back to the budget of the itinerary.


  • unplan 2.1 would unschedule the 1st activity in the Day 2 activity list.
  • unplan 4.5 would unschedule the 5th activity in the Day 4 activity list.

Running unplan 1.1

Unplan Activity

Copying to clipboard : copy

Copies your itinerary in a text format onto your device’s clipboard so that you can paste it anywhere.

Format: copy

Here’s an example of how the copied text would look like:

:information_source: Note:

  • The generated text includes all days within the itinerary, even if there are no activities planned for the day.
  • The generated text does not include the activities in the wishlist. For activities to be reflected in the generated text, they must be planned.

Exporting as PDF file : pdf

Exports your itinerary as a PDF file. The file can be found under the “Waddle” folder in your “Documents” folder.

Format: pdf

Here’s an example of how the generated PDF would look like:

:information_source: Note:

  • The generated PDF file does not contain the activities in your wishlist. For these activities to be reflected in the generated PDF file, you must plan them.
  • PDF can only display up to 35 characters for itinerary description and 50 characters for activity description.

Returning to home page : home

Returns you to the home page.

Format: home


This section contains miscellaneous additional information about Waddle’s user data.

Saving the data

Waddle data is saved in your hard disk automatically upon any change in the data. There is no need for you to save manually.

Editing the data file

Waddle data is saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/waddle.json. If you know how JSON works, you are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, Waddle will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Please perform a backup before manually editing data.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Waddle home folder.

Command summary

Home page commands

Action Format, Examples
Help help
e.g., add d/Germanyyyy sd/2025-05-10 du/14 c/Germany p/4 b/7500
List Itineraries list
Find Itinerary find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., find India Trip
e.g.,edit 1 du/15 sd/2025-04-10
Delete Itinerary delete INDEX
e.g., delete 3
Clear Itineraries clear
Select Itinerary select INDEX
e.g., select 3
Exit exit

Activity-planning page commands

Action Format, Examples
Help help
Add Activity add d/DESCRIPTION [p/PRIORITY] [c/COST] [du/DURATION]
e.g.,add d/Visit Taj Mahal p/5 c/40 du/180
Edit Activity edit INDEX [d/DESCRIPTION] [p/PRIORITY] [c/COST] [du/DURATION]
e.g., edit 4.1 c/50
Delete Activity delete INDEX
e.g., delete 3
View Vacant Timeslots free
Schedule Activity plan INDEX d/DAY NUMBER st/START TIME
e.g., plan 1 d/4 st/12:00
Unschedule Activity unplan INDEX
e.g., unplan 3.2
Copy to clipboard copy
Export to PDF pdf
Return to Home Page home
Exit exit


Term Meaning
Command Line Interface (CLI) A command line interface is a text-based user interface that allows users to input commands in the form of text
Graphical User Interface (GUI) A graphical user interface is a graphics-based user interface that allows users to interact with visual elements like buttons and lists
Parameter The details that you have to provide waddle which differs for each command. For example, the plan command requires the day and start time parameters
Prefix The characters that precede the parameters you enter. For example, n/ for the name parameter